Page 4 - MISUMI SINGAPORE Economy Series
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FA Economy Series Products Catalog 2023 Contents

             1   Introduction to the front page of the contents                                                      3   Technical Data

            2023 New Products                                                              1~4                     Technical Data Catalog                                                   1561~1562
            Company Profile                                                                  5                     【Technical Data】SI (International System of Units)                       1563~1564
            Product Category Overview                                                        6                     【Technical Data】Quantifiers, Unit Symbols, Chemical Symbols and Symbols of Elements, Calculation of
            MISUMI Economy Series Introduction                                             7~8                                      Cubic Volume and Weight / Physical Properties of Materials, Calculation of Area, Center
            Development “ Power ” of MISUMI - Cam follower, Closed / Open End Timing Belts  9~10                                    of Gravity and Cross Section Moment of Inertia          1565~1566
            Application example of localized equipment                                  11~13                      【Technical Data】Roughness Ranges by Various Processes, Geometric
            Application example of mass production                                      14~16                                       Tolerance Indications                                   1567~1568
            Application of products in common functional components                     17~20                      【Technical Data】Basis of Fitting Selection/Dimensional Tolerances and
            MISUMI OUTSTANDING SERVICE & Membership Registration                        21~22                                       Fitting JIS Usage Method Series, Dimension Tolerance
            Product check and ordering method                                           23~30                                       for Regularly Used Fitting                              1569~1570
                                                                                                                   【Technical Data】Surface Roughness, Drawing Indications of Surface Texture  1571~1572
             2   Product Details                                                                                   【Technical Data】Hardness Conversion Table, Regular Machining Dimension Tolerance  1573~1574
                                                                                                                   【Technical Data】Metric Coarse Screw Threads                              1575~1576
            1  Ball Screws / Lead Screws / Actuators                                   31~302                                                                                               1577~1579
            2  Linear Guides / Linear Shafts / Linear Bushings / Ball Splines / Oil Free Bushings  303~440         【Materials】Varieties and Applications                                    1580~1583
            3  Cable Carriers / Cables / Heat Shrink Tubes / Fans / Network Communication  441~490                 【Materials】Types and Apparent Colors of Surface Treatment                1584~1585
            4  Motors / Couplings                                                     491~524                      【Materials】Standard Material Sizes
            5  Timing Pulleys / Idlers / Timing Belts                                 525~616                      【Material Data】GB and International Standard Material Comparison Table, Steel Brand   1586~1588
            6  Sprockets / Chains                                                     617~642                                      Comparative Table/Hardness of Materials and Corresponding Tools  1589~1595
            7  Bearings / Bearings With Housings / Pivot Pins                         643~694                      【Technical Calculation】Selection of Ball Screws
            8  Flat Belts / Rollers /  Cam Followers                                  695~740                      【Technical Calculation】Selection of Transmission Timing Belts, Synchronous   1596~1598
            9  Locating / Position Adjustment / Positioning Stages                    741~812                                             Belt Replacement Signs, Toothed Pulleys
            10  Plungers / Toggle Clamps                                              813~862                      【Technical Calculation】Designing of Chain Drive Mechanism                1599~1607
            11  Springs                                                               863~886                      【Technical Calculation】Selection of Flat Belts
            12  Sensors / Noise Filters / Power Distribution Units / Contact Probes   887~932                      【Technical Calculation】Calculation method and the concept of basic rating     1609
            13  Posts / Strut Clamps / Angle Plates                                   933~944                                             life of the ball bearing                               1610
            14  Cylinders (Accessories) / Shock Absorbers / Valves (Accessories) / Regulators / Seals  945~1028    【Technical Calculation】Parallel Keys                                     1611~1616
            15  Vacuum Suction Cups / Vacuum Generators / Filters                   1029~1082                      Usage Rules                                                              1617~1618
            16  Fittings / Tubes                                                    1083~1176                      Sales Network, Company Profile
            17  Aluminum Frames / Related Accessories / Safety Fences               1177~1282
            18  Casters / Leveling Mounts                                           1283~1360
            19  Handles / Hinges / Knobs / Slide Rails / LED Lighting / Multi-Layer Signal Lights  1361~1478
            20  Anti-vibration Rubber Mounts / Trims                                1479~1490
            21  Screws / Shim Tapes / Parallel Keys / Magnets                       1491~1524
            22  Heaters / Temperature Sensors / Heat Insulating Plates              1525~1560
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